Paid for by the International Union of Operating Engineers International Union of Operating Engineers 1125 17th Street, NW Washington, DC 20036 IUOE_2403 By the Numbers For Operating Engineers, the job outlook is as strong as it has ever been, thanks to the Biden-Harris administration: 3,800 1 16.2M 1 742,000 1 408,484 The number of jobs added in the heavy and civil engineering construction industry last month – which is a new employment record! The number of jobs added to the U.S. economy since the start of the Biden-Harris administration The number of construction jobs created since President Biden signed the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law in November 2021. The IUOE membership as of September 2024 – an all-time high in our 128-year history – with potential to grow even more. 1 Source: The Economy Is Growing and So Is IUOE The American economy has grown at historic rates in the last three years. In 2021, the U.S. economy grew by 5.8% percent, the fastest growing annual rate of growth since 1966. In the most recent quarter, April-June 2024, the economy grew at an estimated 3% annual rate 1 . More importantly, the number of good union jobs, and the IUOE membership, has grown significantly since the Bipartisan Infrastructure Act was passed. Since President Biden signed it into law in November 2021, the IUOE has grown by 4%, with over 13,250 new members joining our ranks. 1 Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis Find out more:
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