5 months ago

IUOE News Bulletin – The Dawn of the Infrastucture Decade

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  • Bipartisan
  • Biden
  • Employment
  • Investments
  • Engineers
  • Infrastructure
Never before have there been so many construction jobs in the United States. Driven by investments enacted in the first year of the Biden-Harris administration, the construction sector is setting new all-time highs for construction employment almost every month.

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Paid for by the International Union of Operating Engineers International Union of Operating Engineers 1125 17th Street, NW Washington, DC 20036 IUOE_2401 Job Creation by President: Just the Facts Over the past 35 years, America has created about 51 million new jobs. Over that same period, there have been six presidents — three from each party. Employment change since the Cold War (millions) Clinton Obama Biden 10 20 30 40 50 +50 million H.W. Bush +1 million W. Bush Trump Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics THE WASHINGTON POST Under the three Democrats — Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, and Joe Biden — there was a cumulative increase of 50 million more people working during their terms in office. Under the three Republicans — George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, and Donald Trump — the cumulative total was only 1 million more people working. To stay up to date on federal policies and news that affects Operating Engineer jobs, visit

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