6 years ago

International Operating Engineer - Winter 2018

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The quarterly magazine of the International Union of Operating Engineers.

Training & Education NTF

Training & Education NTF Wraps Another Successsful Training Year, Looks Ahead Local Training Expands to Meet Operator Demand THE NATIONAL TRAINING FUND finished out 2017 with two classes; Teaching Techniques 1 (October 23 – 27) and Intermediate Teaching Techniques (October 30 – November 3). Both were hosted by Operating Training Trust Local 12 in Whittier, California. The Teaching Techniques 1 focused on course objectives, teaching outlines, participatory techniques, and case problems. The class was attended by 24 new and seasoned instructors from eight different locals from around the United States. Attending this course also helps keep our training programs in accordance with the new Federal 29- 29 Apprenticeship standards. The Intermediate Teaching Techniques builds on the TT1 class and focuses on developing more participatory techniques, team teaching, PowerPoint and class room set up. This class was attended by 13 instructors from five different locals. This year, all the Teaching Technique classes will be held at the new International Training & Education Center in Crosby, Texas. [above, kneeling] Ken Kroger, Instructor and Skip Turner, Instructor [second row] Daryl Sundberg, Local 12; Mike Loera, Local 3; Mike Davis, Local 501; Paul Nunez, Local 501; Mary Michelle Bickle, Local 3; Dwayne Spray, Local 3; Mike Brierley, Local 12; Rich Rose, Local 12. [back row] Scott Marsyla, Local 70; Jason Smoot, Local 12; Jeff Vincent, Executive Director IUOE National Training Fund; Mark Worley, Local 12; James Nightingale, Local 12; John Leemann, Local 158; Mike Rivers, Curriculum & Distance Education Coordinator, OSHA Master and Qualified Trainer, Operating Engineers Training Trust; IUOE Local 12. [front row, L to R] Sean Poyner, Instructor Local 150; Ken Kroeger, Instructor; Skip Turner, Instructor. [middle row, L to R] Drew A. Brodeen, Local 70; Eric Kilcoyne, Local 101: Steve Koleno, Local 66; Mark Lozon, Local 420; Roger Rodriguez, Local 420; Dwayne Plummer, Local 3; Mike Owens, Local 20; John Hopcus, Local 12; Alan Stolze, Local 12; Don Saurette, Local 12. [back row, L to R] Adrian Brown, Local 20; Ronald Schulte, Local 3; Raymond Schmidt, Local 3; Clint Grambort, Local 420; Norris Chambers, Local 12; Tracy Mayes, Local 3; James Harrod, Local 101; Ken Wieken, Local 70; Jim McChesney, Local 3; Michael Ball, Local 66; Nicholas Paul DeMars, Local 406; Chris Gascon, Local 3; Warren Renfrow, Local 12; John Altenhof Local 12. CALLS FOR MORE SKILLED Operating Engineers continued to rise unabated last year. The forecast for the new year is much the same, as more large public and private projects are slated to start up. “As the demand for our skilled crane operators continues to grow, it is a challenge to keep up. The pictures attached are Local 470 apprentices assembling another crane to be utilized for training,” reports Local 470 Business Manager Jeff Britt. Repoorts like this one from Local 470 in South Carolina ring true throughout the country. Employment in the heavy construction and oil & gas sectors has remained strong for several years in a row. [photos] IUOE Local 470 6 INTERNATIONAL OPERATING ENGINEER WINTER 2018 7

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