STOP and say “HELLO!” The IUOE booth at ConExpo is #10780 International Union of Operating Engineers 1125 17 th Street, NW Washington, DC 20036 NON PROFIT ORG US POSTAGE PAID KELLY PRESS, INC. Printed in the U.S.A. Find quick, easy savings at our Union Plus Coupon Center! Use your coupons from the web site for discounts. Visit today! IMAGINE WHAT’S NEXT. Get the ultimate view of where construction is going. Save 20% on Flowers and Gifts! Save up to 25% on car, van and truck rentals! Save 15% off select* wireless service AT&T is the only unionized wireless service company! Sample *Program plans for new and existing customers may require a new two year agreement. The Union Discount FAN# is PRINT COUPON Go hands-on with the new technologies spread out over 2,400,000 square feet of exhibition space. Learn next-gen techniques, tools and ideas from over 100 education sessions. From earthshaking big iron to groundbreaking innovations, CONEXPO-CON/AGG 2017 is where over 130,000 construction industry professionals from around the world go to stay ahead of their competition. To see who’s included in our 2,400+ exhibitors, visit IF IT’S NEW, IT’S HERE. 0116 O ur Coupon Center now makes it easier than ever to take advantage of your many benefits. Simply print the coupons you need to help you stretch your paycheck, weather hardships and get more out of life, on and off the job! FIND SAVINGS COUPONS FOR: Money and Insurance • Home Discounts • Health • Auto • Assistance • Travel and Entertainment Start saving today with dozens of coupons at UNION 300 240 360 180 420 ORGANIZED 120 LABOR INTERNATIONAL 60 0 OF 600 OMNIA OPERATING DEC. 7, 1896 ENGINEERS 540 480 VINCIT 26 March 7-11, 2017 | Las Vegas Convention Center | Las Vegas, USA INTERNATIONAL OPERATING ENGINEER Co-located with ® INTERNATIONAL OPERATING ENGINEER • WINTER 2017 WINTER 2017 27
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