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International Operating Engineer - Winter 2016

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The quarterly magazine of the International Union of Operating Engineers

Canadian News Building

Canadian News Building Trades Leaders Meet with New Prime Minister Labour relations, infrastructure investments lead discussions Ontario Mandates Licensing for Rotary Drill Rig Operators Local 793 spearheads effort, creates new training course affirmed his commitment to repeal these two pieces of legislation. Lionel Railton expressed support for the Liberal’s commitment to spend over 0 billion dollars over the next ten years on infrastructure projects. “This work will update Canada’s aging infrastructure and create many high paying jobs for Canadians. Infrastructure projects that will provide fair wages, apprenticeship and training,” Railton commented. ONTARIO HAS INTRODUCED mandatory training and licensing requirements for operators of foundation rotary drill rigs. This has come about as a result of efforts spearheaded by Local 793 business manager and International VP Mike Gallagher and a committee that included Local 793 director of training and apprenticeship Joe Dowdall and Deep Foundations VP of operations Mike Cianchetti. [above] Seated from left: Darrell LaBoucan, Ironworkers; Roy Finley, Teamsters; Cory Channon, Boilermakers; François Laporte, President of Teamsters Canada; Ben McIntyre, Elevator Constructors; James Jackson, Sheet Metal Workers. Standing from left: Larry Cann, Administrative Assistant to the UA General President; Lionel Railton, IUOE Canadian Regional Director; Richard Wassill, Plasterers and Cement Masons; Steve Schumann, IUOE Canadian Government Affairs Director; Joe Mancinelli, Labourers; Prime Minister Justin Trudeau; Robert Blakely, Chief Operating Officer, Canada’s Building Trades Unions; Fred Clare, Insulators; Bob Kucheran, (Chair of Canada’s Building Trades Unions) Painters; and Craig Strudwick, Bricklayers. WITHIN SIX DAYS of being sworn in as Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau took time out of his busy schedule to meet with the Leadership of Canada’s Building Trades Unions to listen and discuss issues of importance to both Labour and the Prime Minister. Topics of discussion included the development and requirement of getting Canadian resources to market, moving forward on the Liberals’ infrastructure commitment, supporting Canada’s workforce with apprenticeship and skill development and the necessity to repeal Conservative anti-union legislation. Present at the meeting with the new Prime Minister, was Lionel Railton, IUOE Canadian Regional Director and Steven Schumann, IUOE Canadian Government Affairs Director. In their discussions regarding Bill C-377, legislation that targets all Labour organizations and, if implemented, would have cost millions of dollars in administration costs, the Prime Minister understood that this legislation was nothing more than a thinly disguised attempt by employer groups to overwhelm unions with excessive administration burdens, which, by design would deplete union resources for membership servicing, organizing and political action. The Prime Minister and labour leaders also discussed the need to repeal Bill C-525, which has changed the Canada Labour Code to make it more difficult to organize and easier to decertify unions within the Federal jurisdiction. The Prime Minister re- In the meeting, Prime Minister Trudeau re-affirmed his commitment and support to provide million a year to training centres and to ensure a proper apprenticeship ratio on all federally funded projects. Under Stephen Harper, the Conservative government had destroyed the trust Canada’s citizens had in the regulatory system used to evaluate and approve natural resource projects, noted Railton. Prime Minister Trudeau ensured the group that with their assistance, his Government will work with all stakeholders to develop a process that all Canadians can support and trust. “Labour must work with the new government to rebuild this trust and to be a supportive voice for progressive policies—and take back the field from the ‘anti-everything’ group,” Railton said. “We need to be engaged, involved and show we are a credible resource that can be relied upon and trusted.” “By meeting with trade union leaders so soon after his election, Prime Minister Trudeau has sent a positive signal that he values organized Labour’s opinion and input and we have a place at the table,” remarked Railton. As of July 1, 2016, operators will need a mobile crane hoisting licence, 40 hours of specific training approved by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities (MTCU), and six months experience on the ground working as a front-end person to operate a foundation rotary drill rig in the province. The new requirements were announced by provincial Labour Minister Kevin Flynn at a media event at a construction site in downtown Toronto in December. Business manager Gallagher attended the event with Local 793 president Joe Redshaw, and apprentices, staff and business representatives of the union. Gallagher called the announcement a “historic event.” He’d been fighting for changes since Oct. 11, 2011 when 24-year-old union crane apprentice Kyle James Knox was killed when a drill rig collapsed onto a backhoe he was operating at a construction site at York University in Toronto. The operator of the drill rig was not licensed in Ontario. “The fatality exposed a gap in regulation and I was determined that [above] First Foundation Drill Rig Operator course at the OETIO in Oakville, ON. From L to R are: Ray Doyle (instructor), Matthew Zeldon, Walter Haberl (Liebherr), Marcel Rivest, Local 793 treasurer Alex Law, Mark Petch, Jeffrey Brett, Local 793 business manager Mike Gallagher, Edward Christensen, Local 793 president Joe Redshaw, OETIO assistant director of apprenticeship training Brian Alexander, Dan Vader, Donald Harris, David Noseworthy and (seated) OETIO director of apprenticeship training Joe Dowdall. the standards for drill rig operators be raised,” Gallagher said. “These measures will undoubtedly prevent future accidents.” The new regulations, known as Ontario regulation 345/15 amend O. Reg. 213/91 (Construction Projects) under the Occupational Health and Safety Act. Gallagher said the changes will make it a requirement that operators of larger foundation rotary drill rigs in Ontario go through a full crane apprenticeship training program. Students will now need to have either a 0-8 ton, 339A or 339C license to operate a foundation rotary drill rig in Ontario, depending on the size of the drill rig, in addition to the 40 hours of training and six months experience on the ground working as a front-end person. For example, if an operator intends to run a foundation rill rig of 50 to 190 kilonewton metres (kNm) of torque the operator will need a hoisting engineer mobile crane operator 1 trade certificate (339A) or hoisting engineer mobile crane operator 2 trade certificate (339C) or mobile crane 0-8-ton modular training program #930030 credentials. If an operator intends to run a foundation rotary drill rig of greater than 190 up to and including 270 kNm of torque the operator will need a hoisting engineer mobile crane operator 1 trade certificate (339A) or a hoisting engineer mobile crane operator 2 trade certificate (339C). And, if an operator intends to run a foundation rotary drill rig of over 270 kNm of torque the operator will 18 INTERNATIONAL OPERATING ENGINEER WINTER 2016 19

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