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International Operating Engineer - Winter 2016

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The quarterly magazine of the International Union of Operating Engineers


Election 2016: Special Series “I have a real agenda for building our country again and putting a lot of Operating Engineer members to work.” [Hillary Clinton speaking to the IUOE General Executive Board, 10/27/15] The IUOE has taken the time to research the records of the candidates on key pocketbook issues important to Operating Engineers. We understand that your vote is a personal decision. We hope that you find this information helpful when you make that decision in the privacy of the voting booth. Please see for more information. Hillary Clinton is the Best Choice for President Former Secretary of State has the experience and vision to lead SECRETARY HILLARY CLINTON has a proven record of leadership and advocacy for the middle class and Operating Engineers. Her record on labor issues as a U.S. Senator from New York was outstanding. Having represented the most uniondense state in the nation gives her a unique understanding of labor policy issues and the real-life impact those policies have on millions of workers across the nation. Secretary Clinton supports IUOE policy positions on labor law, including Davis-Bacon prevailing wages, Project Labor Agreements, and labor law reform. She sponsored legislation to make it easier for unions to organize. She has committed to stand with us as we fight against right-to-work and other anti-union attacks in the states. Unfortunately, the Republican Primary reveals nothing but dysfunction. The policy positions in regard to IUOE and labor priorities go from bad to extremely worse. In the fight to out “right-wing” each other in the primary, even one of the more moderate Republican hopefuls proposed ending the federal role in the highway program, which would be a devastating blow to the livelihoods of Operating Engineers. General President Callahan urges IUOE members not to become distracted by all the noise and personal attacks so common these days in politics. “As the IUOE does on so many other political decisions, we need to look beyond party. We need to look beyond personality. We need to have a laser-like focus on those policies that benefit Operating Engineers and our families. With that as the sole, driving criterion for our decision, the choice could not be more clear. Hillary Clinton is the best choice for President of the United States,” he said. “I understand that a member’s vote is a personal decision – one that they make in the privacy of the voting booth. We have researched the records of the various candidates on key pocketbook issues important to Operating Engineers, and we intend to convey this critical information to members and their families as the 2016 election nears. While we will never have unanimity in the IUOE ranks, the question about who leads the United States is simply too important to the lives and livelihoods of Operating Engineers to remain on the sidelines.” Hillary Clinton Statement on Endorsement of International Union of Operating Engineers Hillary Clinton released the following statement after the International Union of Operating Engineers (IUOE) endorsed her campaign for President: “I am honored to have earned the endorsement of the International Union of Operating Engineers, which represents 400,000 hard-working men and women across the United States and Canada.” “Unions like the Operating Engineers helped build the greatest middle class in the world in the last century, and they will be central to building the good-paying jobs and careers of the 21st century. I have always and will always stand with organized labor in protecting workers’ rights and worker safety. In the Senate, I fought to pass the James L. Zadroga Act, signed into law by President Obama, which ensured the first and second responders who ran toward danger on that fateful day and worked on ‘the pile’ for months afterward, including many Operating Engineers, received the health care they needed and deserved. Congress must act to reauthorize the Zadroga bill and extend these critical benefits. “It’s time to put more Americans to work modernizing our infrastructure, from rebuilding roads and bridges to repairing leaky pipelines to upgrading our water systems. As President, I will fight to increase investment in our infrastructure and to protect the prevailing wage standards and project labor agreements that ensure construction careers open the door to a middle-class life. I’m proud to have the Operating Engineers as partners in this important work. Because when unions are strong, families are strong—and when families are strong, America is strong.” 14 INTERNATIONAL OPERATING ENGINEER WINTER 2016 15

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