i n t e r n at i o n a l Operating Engineer Summer 2019 • Volume 162, No. 3 Brian E. Hickey, Editor Jay C. Lederer, Managing Editor 06 Action Alert Protect IUOE Apprenticeship 08 Member Spotlight From bank teller to gradesetter 12 Teamwork Down the Line Pipeliners take pride in safety 20 Scholarship Winners Union Plus awards deserving IUOE families Departments 05 From the General President 10 Training & Education 16 Politics & Legislation 22 GEB Minutes 30 Union Death Benefit [left] Spanning the Potomac River, Arlington Memorial Bridge serves as the ceremonial entrance to Washington, DC. Now, nearly 90 years old, the National Park Service and Federal Highway Administration are overseeing a much needed rehabilitation project. Members of IUOE Local 77 are proud to be part of giving the bridge new life, while respecting its character, history, and national significance. [photo] NPS/John Seeger [cover] Vacuworxs Pipelifter class, offered as part of pipeline training at the International Training Center in Texas, includes expert instruction and plenty of seat time. [photo] Jay C. Lederer, IUOE 2 INTERNATIONAL OPERATING ENGINEER SUMMER 2019 3
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