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International Operating Engineer - Summer 2017

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The quarterly magazine of the International Union of Operating Engineers.

Education & Training

Education & Training Operators Get Airborne with Drones in New NTF Offering AS IUOE CONTINUES to lead the way in training with the latest in technology, the first National Training Fund (NTF) Train-the-Trainer for Drone Operation was held in June. This course provides a comprehensive look at the use and versatility of unmanned aerial vehicles—better known as drones—in today’s construction industry. Drones are being used more frequently by contractors because they are cheaper than manned aircraft and faster than human surveyors, and they collect data far more frequently than either, letting construction workers track a site’s progress with a degree of accuracy previously unknown in the industry. The new NTF course also helped prepare the 24 participants to take their Commercial Drone Pilot’s License Test which is administered by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and required for commercial drone use. Within two weeks of class completion, several participants had already taken and passed their FAA test with flying colors. Local 150 hosted the event at their Wilmington, Illinois training facility. The participants were: Jeffrey Braun, Local 649; Robert Shaw Jr., Local 15; Tom Gordon, Local 14; Ken Powell, Local 178; Kyle Rey, Local 542; William Montegari, Local 542; Neil Arneson, Local 302; Bill Finke, Local 302; Mike Loera, Local 3; Derik Neff, Local 66; Jim Coates, Local 399; Craig Corbett, Local 49; Mark Adams, Local 49; Mike Kuklo, Local 49; Tom Sundly, Local 49; Kirk Denison, Local 12; Rich Shakespeare, Local 926; Gary Mashburn, Local 926; Jesse Wagner, Local 835; Robert Seman, Local 18; Steven Rogers, Local 57; Edward Zambarano, Local 57; Ken Bork, Local 139; Jeffrey Ebarb, Local 501; Derek Sather, Local 324. Also shown in the group photo is Local 150 Training Director Brian Roland, IUOE Newly Revised OSHA 502 Outreach Class Held in Oregon HAZMAT THE NATIONAL HAZMAT Program held an OSHA 502 Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers in May at Local 701 in Gladstone, Oregon. Thirteen Outreach Trainers from twelve IUOE Locals and Job Corp Centers attended the threeday program. This was the first OSHA 502 Update using the newly revised OSHA Outreach Trainer Update format. Instructors no longer have to prepare for and deliver a presentation. Instead, the class focuses on Outreach Program requirements, procedures, required course documentation, lessonslearned, and participatory methods. Construction Training Director Chris Treml, and course instructors Dave Bowers, Local 150; John Leemann, Local 158; and Len Casteel, Local 324. New Construction Industry PowerPoint presentations and the elective module for the 30-hour OSHA Outreach course, “Foundations of Safety Leadership” were presented and the materials were provided to the instructors. Attendees also exchanged/ shared a teaching technique, training prop, or demonstration that they use during their classes. Some examples include: a safety slogan contest; personal life experiences concerning accident prevention and near misses; handson demonstrations detailing the effect of shock loading, sling tension, and electrical gradients; a roundtable jeopardy presentation; and ideas for relating the training to the members’ work environment. Feedback from the attendees found that the new revisions OSHA implemented to the Update format were far more informative and they walked away with tools they can use for their own classes. Attendees included: Kevin Allsup, Local 234; Scott Browning, Atterbury Job Corps; Frank Buchreiter, Local 12; Garry Edmondson, Local 9; Greg Haas, Local 49; Lisa Holland, Local 701; Noah Ridgeway Local 318; David Sanders Local 701; John Saunders, Mingo Job Corps; Dushan Shepeard, Local 103; Andrew “Archie” Smith Local 841; Michael Strunk Local 3; Dennis Stump Local 953; and Patrick Bell as instructor. 6 INTERNATIONAL OPERATING ENGINEER SUMMER 2017 7

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