Education & Training To Be the Best, Learn from the Best World-class training starts with a solid core of instructors HAZMAT National HAZMAT Program Takes the Show on the Road Regional trainer courses score high marks from participants THE NATIONAL TRAINING FUND (NTF) strives to have the highest caliber training instructors who in turn produce the most skilled workers in the world. The first Basic Teaching Techniques class for 2016 was held in April at the Maritime Institute in Baltimore, Maryland. This course has proven to be instrumental for new, as well as seasoned, instructors and is one of many instructor training courses available annually through the NTF. The union’s commitment to worldclass training starts with a solid core of instructors. Find out more about future NTF train-the-trainer courses at www.iuoe. org [L to R] Seated: Jack Mucciarone, L877; Chris Treml, IUOE Director Construction Training; Skip Turner, Instructor; Ken Kroeger, Instructor; Frank Magill, L66. Second Row L-R: John Kilduff, L877; Preston Cole, L501; John Osika, L324; Tom Mc- Donough, L835; Melson Goodloe, L25; Jeff Braun, L649; Shane King, L624 Job Corps; Jeff Nedjoika, L9; Daniel Elliott, L66; Scott Reeves, L25 Third Row L-R: Jeff Kimbrell, L835; Ed Lieber, L 835; Andrew Franzen, L4; Justin May, L318; David Litwhiler Jr, L542 THE NATIONAL HAZMAT Program took a new approach to its Peer Trainer courses this year and began offering them regionally through collaboration with IUOE local unions. Regional classes give instructors the opportunity to take classes closer to home and observe what other training sites have to offer, while still receiving the gold standard training they have become accustomed to from the IUOE NTF’s National HAZMAT Program. The National HAZMAT Program would like to thank the following local unions for hosting the completed Peer Trainer courses to date this training season: Local Union 18 hosted the CPR Trainer Course at their Miamisburg, OH training site. [above] OSHA 2225 Respiratory Protection Trainer course held at IUOE Local 926 in Ellenwood, Georgia. Local Union 302 hosted the OSHA 502 Construction Industry Trainer Update at the Bothell, WA union hall. Local Union 926 hosted the OSHA 2225 Respiratory Protection course at their Ellenwood, GA training site. Local Union 12 hosted the OSHA 510 Construction Industry Standards and OSHA 500 Construction Industry Trainer courses at their Las Vegas, NV training site. Local Union 37 hosted the HAZWOPER Train-the-Trainer at their Baltimore, MD training site. In addition to rating the training instructor’s knowledge and participation very high, Peer Trainers attending these courses also indicated they attending within the regional locations as was one of the best things about these courses. HAZMAT Working Safe After Major Flooding Events AFTER HISTORIC and catastrophic flooding hit the National HAZMAT Program close to home in West Virginia this spring, we would be remiss not to give IUOE members everywhere some safety information on the hazards to be aware of after floods occur. Severe weather events can happen anywhere at any time without much warning. That is what happened in West Virginia communities along small mountain creeks, not larger rivers. The rain fell so hard and so fast that the creeks caused major destruction from flash flooding. Now comes the clean-up and rebuilding of infrastructure. Many times when there is a natural disaster, operating engineers find themselves living and working in the affected area. Some may be dealing with personal loss or damage, but they are also called upon to work on the clean-up efforts and to rebuild critical infrastructure. On the job or off, if you are involved in the clean-up or rebuilding after a flooding event there are hazards you need to be aware of to protect yourself from being injured or becoming ill. FLOOD CONTINUED ON PAGE 22 Class 2016 Dates IUOE Local Union/Other Site Location OSHA 502 Construction Industry Trainer Update August 2-4 Local Union 450 South Dayton, TX (Houston area) Rigging Safety/Signaling Safety August 15-19 Local Union 150 Joliet, IL (Chicago area) Trainer HAZWOPER Train-the-Trainer August 22-31 Local Union 3 Rancho Murrieta, CA OSHA 511 General Industry September 13-16 Local Union 501 Las Vegas, NV Standards OSHA 501 General Industry Trainer September 17-20 Local Union 501 Las Vegas, NV OSHA 2264 Permit-Required Confined Space September 26-29 Local Union 15 Howard Beach, NY (NYC area) OSHA 5602 Disaster Site Worker October 4-5 Local Union 14 Flushing, NY (NYC area) Update OSHA 5600 Disaster Site Worker October 10-13 Local Union 324 Howell, MI Trainer OSHA 521 Industrial Hygiene October 28-31 Local Union 95 Pittsburgh, PA OSHA 510 Construction Industry Standards OSHA 500 Construction Industry Trainer October 28-31 Maritime Center Baltimore, MD November 1-4 Maritime Center Baltimore, MD 6 INTERNATIONAL OPERATING ENGINEER SUMMER 2016 7
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