International Union of Operating Engineers 1125 17 th Street, NW Washington, DC 20036 NON PROFIT ORG US POSTAGE PAID KELLY PRESS, INC. Printed in the U.S.A. Making Memories and Staying Connected Celebrate Labor Day with unionmember only Savings from Union Plus. Savings on just about everything from clothing and flowers to gift certificates. Discounted tickets to movies, plays, sporting events and theme parks. Great deals on car rental, travel and more. Stay connected with 15% off qualified AT&T wireless plans through Union Plus * . UNION 300 240 360 180 420 ORGANIZED 120 LABOR 60 INTERNATIONAL 0 OF OMNIA OPERATING DEC. ENGINEERS 540 600 480 7, 1896 Get Connected to Savings VINCIT *Available only to current members of qualified AFL-CIO member unions. Must provide acceptable proof of union membership such as a membership card from your local union, a pay stub showing dues deduction or the Union Plus Member Discount Card and subscribe to service under an individual account for which the member is personally liable. Offer contingent upon in-store verification of union member status. Discount subject to agreement between Union Privilege and AT&T and may be interrupted, changed or discontinued without notice. Discount applies only to recurring monthly service charge of qualified voice and data plans, not overages. Not available with unlimited voice plans. For Family Talk, applies only to primary line. For all Mobile Share plans, applies only to the monthly plan charge of plans with more than 300MB, not to additional monthly device access charges. May take up to 2 bill cycles after eligibility confirmed and will not apply to prior charges. Discount applied after application of any available credit and may not be combined with other service discounts. Additional restrictions apply. Contact AT&T at 866-499-8008 for details. INTERNATIONAL OPERATING ENGINEER • SUMMER 2016
1125 17th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036
202 429-9100
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