i n t e r n at i o n a l Operating Engineer Summer 2016 • Volume 159, No. 3 Brian E. Hickey, Editor Jay C. Lederer, Managing Editor 18 Zika Virus & Outdoor Work What to watch for and how to protect yourself 10 The Doctor is In, Down at the Hall Healthcare comes to the union hall 12 Cover: Peace Mission Apprentices blaze new trails for wounded warriors 20 Union Plus Scholarship Winners Meet this year’s worthy recipients Departments 05 From the General President 06 Education & Training 07 HAZMAT 16 Politics & Legislation 18 Canadian News 24 GEB Minutes 30 Union Death Benefit [cover] Some of Local 139 members involved in building a handicapped-accessible trail at Camp American Legion. L to R: Woody Wickersheim, training center site coordinator; apprentices Mike Jole, Matt Melvin, Leroy Miller, and Terry Tilson; Instructor Mike Burt; and apprentices Chase Freimark and Dave Sutter. Apprentice Nick Franda on roller. [photo] Dave Backmann, IUOE Local 139 [right] Local 478 Operating Engineers working on the Algonquin Incremental Market (AIM) Project, a natural gas pipelline in Connecticut. [photo] Albert Muzzi, IUOE Local 478 2 INTERNATIONAL OPERATING ENGINEER SUMMER 2016 3
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