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International Operating Engineer - Spring 2018

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The quarterly magazine of the International Union of Operating Engineers.

39th General Convention

39th General Convention DELEGATES TO THE International Union of Operating Engineers 39th General Convention voted unanimously to elect James T. Callahan to a second full term as General President. The vote affirms the IUOE’s commitment to training the best union construction and stationary engineers in the world and creating family-wage jobs throughout the United States and Canada. Also re-elected to lead the union for another five-year term was General Secretary-Treasurer Brian Hickey, along with all 14 current International Vice Presidents and five Trustees who represent members from every region of North America. “I am honored to lead a union of dedicated and skilled trade unionists who build and maintain North America every day,” said General President Callahan. “Once again, our union is called to action. We must train the next generation of Operating Engineers to fill current and future demand for our highly skilled members.” Callahan continued, “Now, more than ever, we need to make bold investments in infrastructure to rebuild North America, create jobs, pay a fair wage – a union wage – and support middle class families.” The International held its 39th General Convention, which began on May 6 and ended May 9, at the Diplomat Hotel & Convention Center in Hollywood, Florida. During the convention, more than 600 delegates passed 32 resolutions dealing with skills training, occupational health and safety, prevailing wage, economic and labor issues, and pension and healthcare benefits. A partial list of featured speakers at this year’s convention included U.S. Secretary of Labor Alexander Acosta; Canadian Minister of Labour Patty Hajdu; Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti; former Missouri Governor Jay Nixon; Richard L. Trumka, President, AFL-CIO; Douglas McCarron, General President, United Brotherhood of Carpenters; Terry O’Sullivan, General President, Laborers’ International Union of North America; and D. Taylor, President, UNITE-HERE. The convenmtion theme, “The Future is Now,” was prevelant throughout the four-day event and delgates left for home energized and united to meet the challenges that lie ahead. [clockwise from above] General President Callahan addresses the delegates attending the 39th General Convention; Secretary-Treasurer Brian Hickey reads out the call of the convention; AFL-CIO President Rich Trumka takes the stage as a guest speaker; and members of American Legion Operating Engineers Post 139 from Wisconsin present the colors. [following pages] Delegates conducted the business of the union and heard from various guest speakers during the four-day General Convention held in Hollywood, Florida. 14 INTERNATIONAL OPERATING ENGINEER SPRING 2018 15

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