GEB Minutes in April at the mine site. He reported that the Local is also conducting fight back programs against the Ford Conservative Government in Ontario, specifically fighting Bill 66. Director Railton reported that the Regional office has been assisting Local 955 in organizing the nonunion craning and hoisting sector with International Representative Dave DeSousa and Sheldon Mc Kenna deployed on the ground. He reported that the Local has also stepped out of the provincial building trades council and is taking legal action against the Provincial Government to break away from the Province of Alberta’s framework bargaining legislation. He reported that Business Manager Chris Flett is preparing the Local for the upcoming provincial election, which is expected to be won by the United Conservative Party, an antiunion party led by Jason Kenny. Director Railton reported that Local 115 continues to enjoy a strong economy in British Columbia supported by the provinces New Democratic Party (hereinafter NDP). He further reported that the NDP has won a crucial byelection in Nanaimo which stabilizes the government over the near term, and that Business Manager Brian Cochrane, with support from the Regional office, has developed a social media campaign, Community Building Standards, in support of the NDP’s Community Benefits Project Labour Agreements for provincial infrastructure projects. Director Railton reported that the non-union employer associations have been quick to develop their own programs to try and push the provincial government off proceeding with these PLAs. He reported that the Local is in Provincial Heavy Construction and Roadbuilding negotiations. Director Railton reported that Local 904 Monitorship is going well, with newly elected Business Manager Terrence Hickey working hard on organizing and bargaining provincial ICI agreement. He reported that the first General Membership Meeting under the new administration took place on March 23, 2019 and was a great success. Brother Railton reported that the 2018 Financial Audit was presented and approved by the membership and all bank and investment accounts have been turned over to the Local Union. He reported that the Local has secured another tranche of funding from the Federal Union Training and Innovation Program, which will allow for the purchase new equipment for their training facility. He reported that the Newfoundland and Labrador Building Trades Council is preparing for a provincial election call and will be working with Local 904 to develop an agenda of labour priorities. He reported that the Local is still experiencing high unemployment, but has work at the White Rose GBS Project and Muskrat Falls. March 28, 2019 Director Railton reported that Local 987 continues to prepare for the provincial healthcare consultation vote as a result of Bill 29. He reported that once the date of the vote is announced the Regional Office will deploy a number of our International Staff to assist through the four-week campaign period. He reported that General President Callahan has also provided additional organizing grant support to ensure the Local is properly resourced for the vote. Director Railton reported that Bill 28, The Public Sector Construction Projects (Tendering) Act, continues to linger on the order paper and the region is hopeful this anti-union piece of legislation will die as of a result early provincial election call. Director Railton reported that he is closely monitoring the situation. Director Railton reported that International Representative Larry Richard continues to support new Business Manager, Sean Stortini and Local 865 in bargaining with Iron Range, School Bus Group and Domtar Pulp, both sets of negotiations have been referred to consolation. Director Railton reported that International Representative Patrick Campbell is assisting Local 959 with Williams Lake and District School Board negotiations and Election of Officers preparations. Director Railton concluded his report with an update on the pipeline sector. He reported that discussions with the Federal government regarding an expanded role for the pipeline trades on the Trans Mountain Expansion Project continue. He reported that the Regional office has made application to appear and has been granted an opportunity to give evidence to the Senate Review Committees. Director Railton reported they are working to encourage the Senate of Canada to amend Bills C-69 and C 48 to accommodate Community Benefits Project Labour Agreements as part of the Bills and to better define the timelines for project approvals. He reported that distribution Pipeline Bargaining is scheduled for April 16 & 17, 2019 in Toronto, Ontario. Case No. 16 North Central Region Report North Central Regional Director Todd Smart reported on unemployment numbers in the region. Director Smart reported that despite a slow start, many local unions in his region are predicting full employment again this year. Brother Smart reported that membership numbers for the region continue to increase due to the emphasis placed on organizing. Director Smart reported on work within the region, noting that a large portion of the work in the region is being driven by the energy sector including pipeline work in Ohio and West Virginia. He reported on four natural gas fired combined cycle electric generating station projects in West Virginia, Ohio and Michigan. He further reported that the estimated cost of these projects is two point three billion dollars and will take approximately two and a half years to complete. Director Smart reported with an update on the regional classes conducted. Director Smart reported that the International Agreements Workshop was held at Local 49’s hall in Minneapolis, covering the National Maintenance Agreement, General Presidents Project Maintenance Agreement, National Construction Agreement, and the Wind Turbine Agreements. Director Smart reported that three organizing classes were conducted in the region as well. Director Smart also reported on several successful organizing campaigns in the region. Director Smart reported on Crane Rental Companies in the region, beginning with the acquisition of B & G Crane Services by Maxim Crane Works. Director Smart reported that RMS Cranes signed Local 234’s collective bargaining agreement, and that Irving Crane toured the IUOE Training & Education Center in Crosby, Texas. Director Smart reported that with the assistance of the Special Projects department, FAA data on wind turbines will be provided to each local union. He reported hope that the locals can use this information to get involved early in the process to potentially partner with the owner/developer on the permitting process in return for using union labor on the project. Director Smart reported that Bret Skaggs is Local 965’s Business Manager, effective April 1, 2019. Case No. 17 Southern Region Report Southern Region Director Martin Patterson reported on out of work numbers in the Region for the period of March 2018 to March 2019. Director Patterson reported on ongoing projects in the region. Director Patterson reported on the upcoming projects in the Region, and he also updated the Board with respect to Local Unions in the Region that were in need of operators. Next, Director Patterson reported on the various, ongoing organizing efforts within the Region. Director Patterson reported on the supervisions of Local 369 in Cordova, TN and Local 624 in Richland, MS. Director Patterson stated that in his capacity as the International Supervisor for Local 369, he had recently overseen the appointment of the following positions: Business Manager, two Business Representatives , all Line Officers, and a full Executive Board. Director Patterson stated that nominations for all elected offices would be conducted at the May 2019 membership meeting that would be held at the Local 369 union office in Cordova, TN. He further reported that depending upon the outcome of the nomination meeting, an election of officers would be held in August 2019 for all contested offices. He noted that he was working with the IUOE Legal Department to ensure that all of the nominations and elections were conducted in compliance with the IUOE Constitution. Director Patterson concluded his report by updating the General Executive Board on the presentations that he and the International Representatives were in the process of making to all of the Local Unions located in the Region regarding the implementation and use of the International Training Registration System to register for training classes at the ITEC in Crosby, TX. He noted that many of these presentations were already completed, and that the rest of the presentations had already been scheduled and that he expected them to be done fairly soon as well. Case No. 18 Western Region Report Western Regional Director Carl Goff reported that Local 501 is continuing with their Douglas Emmett Campaign and protests in Las Vegas at the Golden Nugget. He reported that International Representatives have been assisting Local 280 with organizing projects in City of West Richland and WSU, Local 302 with organizing Summit View Construction in Idaho, and T-Mobile field employees in Washington. Director Goff reported that they’ve been involved in DOL Investigation in Local 953, and that International Representatives attended Westmoreland Coal Mine membership meetings. Director Goff reported that Local 302 has gained Stationary Jurisdiction in Idaho, held negotiations with Port of Seattle, and assisted with ratifying new a contract with Ride the Ducks. Director Goff reported that he facilitated a meeting between NWCOA and Local 612 and is hopeful the parties reach a new MLA. Director Goff reported that International Representatives held Stewards Classes in Local 400 at Colstrip and Billings, and attended AFL-CIO organizing seminar with Local 701 in Portland, OR. Brother Goff reported that International Representatives have been assisting Local 9 with prevailing wage updates, a possible collaboration with Colorado School of Mines to create specialized underground training, with the resolution of grievances with CEMEX Lyons Plant and Trapper Mine, and training their new agent. Director Goff reported that International Representatives have given presentations on the International Training and Registration System in eight of the Western Conference Locals so far with many more upcoming. Director Goff reported on assisting Local 1 in negotiating contracts with JBS supply unit, Denver Processing and with King Soopers store services, as well as Local 428 with Asarco Negotiations and Degerstrom Ventures – Bullhead City Mine Project. Director Goff reported that International Representatives attended AFL-CIO’s lobbyist meeting with input towards various bills that could impact IUOE members in Colorado by working to change labor laws so that State employees 30 INTERNATIONAL OPERATING ENGINEER FALL 2019 31
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