GEB Minutes General Executive Board Minutes of the International Union of Operating Engineers Thursday, March 28, 2019 Call of Meeting General President James T. Callahan called the meeting of the General Executive Board to order at 7:40 a.m. on Thursday, March 28, 2019 at the International Training and Education Center (hereinafter the “ITEC”) in Crosby, Texas. General Secretary-Treasurer Hickey then read the call of the meeting, whereupon the roll call was taken which disclosed all members of the General Executive Board were present with the exception of Robert Heenan, whose absence was previously excused. Also present were Chief of Staff Joseph Giacin, General Counsel Brian Powers, Chief Financial Officer John Loughry, Associate General Counsel Matt McGuire, Director of Jurisdiction Terry George, Regional Directors Alan Pero, Lionel Railton, Martin “Red” Patterson, Todd Smart, Carl Goff, and Assistant to the General Secretary-Treasurer John “Jack” Ehrhardt. Case No. 1 Minutes of the Previous General Executive Board Meeting The minutes of the General Executive Board meeting conducted January 14, 2019 were approved and made a part of the official records of the Board. Copies of these minutes had been distributed previously to all General Executive Board members. Case No. 2 Expenses and Actions Taken Since the Last General Executive Board Meeting Payment of expenses incurred and actions taken by the International Union since the last Board meeting were thoroughly discussed. It was regularly moved and seconded that all such expenses and actions be approved. The motion was put to a vote and unanimously carried. Case No. 3 Adoption of Agenda General President Callahan presented a schedule and agenda of the General Executive Board’s sessions. It was regularly moved and unanimously carried to adopt the agenda as presented. Case No. 4 International Trustees’ Report The International Board of Trustees appeared before the Board. International Trustee William M. Lynn gave a detailed report to the Board regarding the Trustees’ findings concerning the financial activity of the International Union. The Board of Trustees commended General President Callahan and General Secretary-Treasurer Hickey for the efficient handling of the business and financial affairs of the International Union. Trustee Lynn informed the Board that as part of the biannual meeting, the Board of Trustees reviewed the projections for income and expenses of the International Union of Operating Engineers for 2019 and discussed the details of the projections with General President Callahan and General Secretary-Treasurer Hickey. Chief Financial Officer John Loughry, James Kokolas, Partner with Calibre CPA Group, and Tripp Shreves of the Institutional Consulting Group at Wells Fargo Advisors also attended the meeting with the Board of Trustees and made presentations on the projections of revenues and expenses for the upcoming year. Based on the projections and the factors affecting the projected financial performance for 2019, the Board of Trustees recommended for consideration by the General Executive Board that the Per Capita Tax does not increase in July 1, 2019. General President Callahan called for a motion to accept the Board of Trustees report and to take under advisement their recommendation to increase the Per Capita Tax ###COLUMNCONTENT###.00 per member per month effective July 1, 2019. A motion was made, duly seconded, and unanimously approved to accept the Board of Trustees report. Case No. 5 Financial Report Chief Financial Officer John W. Loughry briefed the General Executive Board on the projections that were used by the Board of Trustees to make their Per Capita Tax recommendation. Mr. Loughry began the presentation with an overview of the final 2018 internal financial statements that were used as the base for the projections. He reviewed the 2018 financial results and explained all items that were out of the ordinary. He then went over all of the assumptions that were used to project revenues and expenses for future periods. Based on these assumptions, he presented projected revenue and expenses for the five-year period 2019 through 2023. Working with these projected results and the current membership level, Loughry detailed the financial effects of holding the per capita tax rate at the current level versus increasing the rate at various increments. He also detailed how the decision on the per capita tax rate for 2019 would affect the next five-year period. Finally, Loughry presented the fiveyear projected financial statements at the various per capita tax rates, incorporating the assumptions and summarizing the projected operating results. Case No. 6 Auditor’s Financial Review Mr. James C. Kokolas, Partner with Calibre CPA Group presented the audited financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2018. Mr. Kokolas reported on the total assets and liabilities. Mr. Kokolas also reported on the categories of assets and liabilities and the allocation of the investments. Case No. 7 Treasury Fund Report Mr. Tripp Shreves, of the Institutional Consulting Group at the Monument Group at Wells Fargo Advisors, presented a comprehensive review of the Treasury Funds of the International Union of Operating Engineers (hereinafter IUOE) which included the General, Defense, and Death Benefit funds. Mr. Shreves reported on a review of the Treasury fund’s approved asset allocation, its investment performance, and expectations for future opportunities and risks over the next 12-18 months in capital markets. Mr. Shreves reported that the Treasury funds continue to be conservatively invested to support the long-term mission of the IUOE and its membership. Case No. 8 Healthcare Initiatives Department Report Director of Healthcare Initiatives Joanne Lye- McKay reported on the healthcare developments in the news. She reported the Healthcare Initiatives Conference on May 21, 2019 will host speakers on stem cell therapy, genetic testing/therapy, medicinal marijuana, and fraud/abuse in the industry. Sister Lye- McKay reported that product information from spending accounts, dependent audits, and Social Security disability assistance will be featured too. An in-depth look at pharmacy benefit products and costs will be explored by OptumRx and Aon Consulting. Director Lye-McKay reported that Member Assistance Programs will be highlighted with the new International Training Program developed. She reported the IUOE coalition of locals with OptumRx was discussed with 37 groups and 380,000 lives strong, working on product development with OptumRx. She reported that other IUOE coalition contracts including SwiftMD, VSP, National Labor Alliance, and ULLICO Stop Loss with Hinge Health are still in review with locals and pilot volunteers. Case No. 9 Legislative and Political Department and Pipeline Department Report Legislative and Political Director Jeff Soth presented his report to the Board in conjunction with Pipeline Director Robert Wilds. Director Soth’s remarks touched on the extraordinary growth in oil and gas pipeline employment in construction since the beginning of the Great Recession in December 2007. While reviewing the status of major projects and some of their associated permitting obstacles and policy challenges in Congress, Director Soth also reported on a new IUOE-led program designed to help address the crisis in pipeline permitting across North America. Director of Pipeline Robert Wilds reported on man hours for 2018, NPLA Job-Notices, the number of new signatory contractors, the number of DCA Job-Notices, and the number new signatory DCA contractors. Director Wilds reported on a number of projects with permitting issues awaiting to start, and several major projects where construction has started and been shut down due to permits being pulled. Case No. 10 Construction Department Report Director of Construction Joseph Giacin reported to the Board that Chrysler was just granted a National Maintenance Agreement (NMA) that will cover the next four years. Director Giacin reported on the Arbitration decision in the USWA District 50 vs IUOE Local 18 case against Orders Construction. Brother Giacin reported that Arbitrator Harden found in favor of the IUOE that Orders Construction had in fact violated the North American Building Trades / USWA Harmony Agreement by expanding both their geographical and scope of work restrictions, thus were ordered to cease and desist from any future work in the State of Ohio. Director of Construction Giacin reported to the Board with a brief history of the Mortenson Wind Turbine Agreement and of a pending arbitration challenging the application as prescribed in the Agreement regarding Mortenson’s responsibility to perform work in at least 22 of the US States. Brother Giacin reported on a comprehensive update of the Phase 2 land purchase and construction of eleven new crane pads as well as additional incoming cranes at the International Training Center in Crosby, TX. Case No. 11 Jurisdiction Department Report Director of Jurisdiction Terry T. George reported to the General Executive Board on the ongoing issues with infringements by other crafts on the traditional jurisdiction of the IUOE. Brother George reported that the outside lineman branch of the IBEW continues efforts to force IUOE signatory contractors to assign excavation work to the electricians through 26 INTERNATIONAL OPERATING ENGINEER FALL 2019 27
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