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International Operating Engineer - Fall 2018

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  • Apprenticeship
The quarterly magazine of the International Union of Operating Engineers

Training & Education

Training & Education Healthcare IUOE Job Corps Augments Recruitment Efforts Know the Facts About Pain Medications HISTORICALLY, THE CONSTRUCTION industry has maintained a steady balance between people leaving the construction industry through normal attrition rates and people entering the industry as apprentices. As the balance begins to change, pre-apprenticeship programs are being utilized to screen and refer program graduates to Local Unions. Currently, the IUOE Job Corps Training Program runs at 11 different locations within the United States that work to provide quality Apprenticeship candidates to IUOE Locals across the nation. They offer training for future operators, mechanics, paving and stationary engineers. One way they do this is through recruitment at the high school level, identifying students with the skill set necessary to become capable apprentices. Whenever possible, IUOE Job Corps collaborates with our Local Unions to assist them in recruiting efforts. Recruitment presentations walk through the opportunities and realities of a rewarding career as an Operating Engineer. If a potential candidate is selected for training, they will enroll in one of the IUOE Job Corps’ programs that offers a solid career path that often leads to becoming an Operating Engineer journeyman. Training programs are competency-based and completion can take up to 14 months, depending on previous experience and learning ability. While enrolled, students earn OSHA 10 certification, forklift certification, High School Diploma or GED if needed, and acquire seat time on many different pieces of earth moving and material handling equipment. Prior to completion, students must pass a Job Corps Performance Test that was developed to mirror the Training Standard Performance (TSP) utilized by many IUOE Locals to test apprentices. The tests are used for evaluating operating competency on each individual piece of heavy equipment. IUOE Job Corps has the flexibility to offer machine specific training to students if requested by a Local Union. Pre-apprentice graduates are trained on construction workplace safety, preventative maintenance, the expectations of an IUOE member, in addition to hands on equipment operation. Upon the completion of the IUOE Job Corps pre-apprentice program, students are prepared to enter the world of an IUOE Apprenticeship Program and have the experience necessary to be successful for both the Local Unions and the employing contractors. For more information, please contact: John Saunders, IUOE Job Corps Coordinator THE CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL labels opioid abuse an epidemic. What do you need to know before you say “yes” to pain relief? All of these opioids are powerful painkillers and prone to abuse. Even though opioids are prescribed medications, they are extremely addictive and can lead to overdose or death. Benzodiazepines (Klonopin, Valium, Xanax) a tranquilizer used to treat anxiety and other relation conditions. Codeine used to relieve pain depending on dosage for a few hours. Demerol (Meperidine) used to treat moderate to severe pain. Dilaudid (Exalgo, Hydromorpone) mostly used in a hospital setting used for short term pain relief. Fentanyl (Actiq, Duragesic, Sublimaze) 100 times stronger than Morphine, used for cancer patients or post-surgical patients with severe pain. Extremely potent, can reach deadly toxic levels if not managed within FDA approved limits. Hydrocodone (Lortab, Norco, Vicodin, Zohydro) used to treat moderate to severe pain resulting from a chronic condition, injury or surgical or dental procedures. Methadone (Dolophine, Methadose) mostly associated with helping those trying to quit heroin. However, can be used part of a physician monitored pain management program. Morphine (Duramorph, MS Contin) used to treat severe pain related to cancer or cancer treatment. Oxycodone (OxyContin, Percodan) a popular opioid prescription painkiller used for an around the clock treatment of moderate to severe pain. Oxymorphone (Numorphan, Numorphone, Opana) used to treat moderate to severe pain. Percocet (similar to OxyContin but contains a combination of acetaminophen and oxycodone) used to treat moderate to severe pain. Going in for surgery or in pain? Ask your doctor about alternative therapies. As a recent New York Times article reported, a combination of Tylenol and Advil worked just as well as opioids for relief of pain in the emergency room, a randomized trial has found. What are symptoms of abuse and addiction? Taking medication more frequently than prescribed, using medication for other symptoms than pain, requiring higher doses to get the same effect, taking others prescriptions or compulsive behaviors. Where to get help if you think you have a problem? Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s National Hotline at https://www.samhsa. gov/ or call their confidential hotline: 1-800-662-HELP Visit Facing Addiction’s online Addiction Resources Hub, 10 INTERNATIONAL OPERATING ENGINEER FALL 2018 11

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