Education & Training Job Corps and Local Union Partnerships Benefit All New Facility at Local 649 Welcomes NTF Instructors Course NATIONAL TRAINING FUND (NTF) Job Corps Heavy Construction Equipment Mechanic training programs operate in eight locations throughout the country—California, Georgia, Indiana, Montana, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Washington, and Wyoming. These programs train young men and women to a preapprentice level, preparing them to enter apprenticeship programs and placing them on a career path to becoming an Operating Engineer. NTF Job Corps students receive training in safety, hydraulics, engines and engine systems, power trains, electrical, final drives, airbrakes, equipment service, first aid/CPR, OSHA 10, forklift operations, hand and power tools, as well as welding and fabricating. In the past, training has been centered around the service and repair of equipment used to train students in the NTF Heavy Equipment Operator programs and the use of mock-up training of major engine and equipment components. We have recently expanded training to include assisting Local Apprenticeship Programs in maintaining and repairing their equipment as well. The most recent projects the Job Corps program has completed include: rebuilding a loader bucket for Local 9 in Colorado, forklift repair for Local 800 in Wyoming, and a backhoe repair for Local 400 in Montana. The Anaconda site in Montana is currently scheduled to begin extensive transmission repairs on a grader from Local 9. The NTF mechanic program in Pennsylvania has a strong partnership with Local 66. The partnership has proven beneficial for both, as the creation of work-based learning opportunities for Job Corps students at the apprenticeship training facilities provide students with valuable experience and the Local receives maintenance and assistance with repairs on heavy equipment. These students spend up to eight weeks at the local’s apprenticeship site; providing the Local with the opportunity to also assess the students’ abilities to become successful Apprentice Mechanics. To date, many students participating in the work-based learning opportunities have entered the respective Local’s Mechanic Apprenticeship Program. To learn more about how the IUOE NTF Job Corps Mechanic Programs can assist your local, please phone Joe Dixon, IUOE NTF Job Corps Regional Coordinator, at 724-675-8022, or by e-mail at [above] Students in the Job Corps Heavy Construction Equipment Mechanic program get hands on experience at the Anaconda, Montana site. THE NATIONAL TRAINING FUND (NTF) conducted a Training Standards Project (TSP) Train-the-Trainer course October 24th-26th, 2017 in Illinois. The event was hosted by Local 649 JATC and utilized their new indoor training arena. The TSP course has proven to be a valuable practical evaluation tool for Operating Engineer training programs. The TSP is a time tested instructor tool that has become an industry standard over the years. This class is held to give the instructor a better understanding of this evaluation process which can then be used for each local’s specific needs. [above] IUOE instructors that participated in this Train-the-Trainer were: Brian Gabor (Local 150), Mike IzzareIli (Local 150), Jeff Watson (Local 150), Todd Peterson (Local 150), Greg Fieders (Local 150), Bill Cinnamon (Local 649), Dave Ludlow (Local 150), Tom Milianti (Local 150), Lonnie Land (Local 701). Also shown in group photo: Local 649 Training Director Mike High, IUOE Construction Training Director Chris Treml, Local 649 Apprentice Coordinator Dan Hollenback, Local 649 members: Delilah Russell, Austin Dabney, Jim Trockur Jr., and TSP course instructors: Todd Shreves and Matt Ulm. Stationary Engineer Conferences Span Coast to Coast THE NATIONAL TRAINING FUND and the IUOE Stationary Department sponsor regional training conferences each year. Pictured here are attendees at this year’s Western Regional Conference hosted at Local 286 in Auburn, Washington. Attendees discussed new trends and technologies and learned of resources available to Stationary training programs. Many thanks to Business Manager Richard Spencer and the dedicated staff of Local 286 for making their training center available for this year’s event. Additional regional training conferences were held at Local 70 in White Bear, MN and Local 68 in Atlantic City, NJ. Thank you Business Manager David Monsour (L70) and Business Manager Thomas P. Giblin (L68). [above] Back, L to R: Carl Luisi (Local 95), Tom Ervin (Local 501), Dane Rawlins (Local 286), Richard Spencer (Business Manager, Local 286), Mike Davis (Local 501), Carl Goff (IUOE Regional Director), Lynn Sherman (Local 148), Paul Nunez (Local 501), Tony McNamara (CH2O), Jeff Vincent (IUOE National Training Fund) Front, L to R: Tery Chapin (Local 286), Mike Bolling (Local 286), Derek Donley (IUOE), Greg Kane (Local 286), Jeff Alexander (Local 286), Russell Duke (IUOE), Jim Pyette (Local 286) and Christian Dube (Local 286) 6 INTERNATIONAL OPERATING ENGINEER FALL 2017 7
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